Safety policy
Health and Safety Policy

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- Sustainability
- Health and Safety Policy
Health and Safety Initiatives
Basic Philosophy
Through manufacturing Fine Sinter contributes to the happiness of people and a better society.
Basic Concept
We, all our employees, will comply with the attitudes set forth in the Code of Conduct.
Code of Conduct 2-2: We will ensure a safe, comfortable, and energetic workplace.
Health and Safety Policy
We will comply with all relevant laws and regulations and work to prevent accidents and illnesses.
We will improve safety knowledge, skills and sensitivity through the establishment of safety-related systems and education and training.
We will share information on occupational accidents and safety activities among domestic and overseas group companies and subcontractors, and develop global safety activities.
We will conduct periodic reviews of this policy.
June 22, 2023
Fine Sinter Co., Ltd.

Health Management Initiatives
Declaration of Health Management
Fine Sinter believes that ensuring the safety of its employees and maintaining and promoting their health are the foundations of its corporate activities.
In order to fulfill our basic philosophy of “Through manufacturing Fine Sinter contributes to the happiness of people and a better society,” we declare that we will continue to be a company where each employee can work actively both physically and mentally.
June 22, 2023
Fine Sinter Co., Ltd.

Health Management Promotion System